
For recent group news, please either follow Tim on twitter (@TimothyHBertram) and/or the Bertram Group on instagram (bertramlab)
Old News

[June 2017] CAICE summer students Kate Faber (Carleton College) and Erica Liu (UC Berkeley) arrive for summer research.
[22 May 2017] Gordan and Michael set up the ground station at Zion for the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS) News coverage
[11 May 2017] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript, led by UC San Diego, Molecular Diversity of Sea Spray Aerosol Particles: Impact of Ocean Biology on Particle Composition and Hygroscopicity is published in Chem.  Link to the article.  
[24 April 2017] new b-group publication Michelle's manuscript, Air-sea exchange of biogenic volatile organic compounds and the impact on aerosol particle size distributions is published in GRL.  Link to the article.  
[20 April 2017] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript with the Nathanson Group (UW Madison) Reactions of N2O5 with Salty and Surfactant-Coated Glycerol: Interfacial Conversion of Br to Br2 Mediated by Alkylammonium Cations is published in JPC-A.  Link to the article.  
[February 2017] Dr. Steve Schill defends his Ph.D. at UCSD! Steve is the fifth Ph.D. from the Bertram Group! Steve will start a position at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center next month.
[December 2016] Bertram Group end of semester dinner!
[December 2016] Tom Kuborn joins the Bertram Group. Welcome Tom!
[December 2016] Dr. James Brady leaves the Bertram Group for a position at American Family Insurance. Good Luck James!
[6 October 2016] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript, led by the University of Iowa, Enrichment of Saccharides and Divalent Cations in Sea Spray Aerosol During Two Phytoplankton Blooms is published in ES&T.  Link to the article.  
[28 September 2016] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript, led by the University of California San Diego, Phytoplankton blooms weakly influence the cloud forming ability of sea spray aerosol is published in GRL.  Link to the article.  
[1 September 2016] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript, led by SIO, A miniature Marine Aerosol Reference Tank (miniMART) as a compact breaking wave analogue is published in AMT.  Link to the article.  
[22 July 2016] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript, led by the University of California Davis, Linking Variations in Sea Spray Aerosol Hygroscopicity to Composition During Two Microcosm Experiments is published in ACP.  Link to the article.  
[1 July 2016] Tim is promoted to Associate Professor.  Link to the board of regents meeting minutes.  
[1 February 2016] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript, led by the University of Iowa, Analysis of Organic Anionic Surfactants in Fine and Coarse Fractions of Freshly Emitted Sea Spray Aerosol is published in ES&T.  Link to the article.  
[5 January 2016] new b-group publication James' manuscript Chracterization of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aircraft System for Aerosol Particle Concentration Measurements is published in ES&T.  Link to the article.
[January 2016] Michael Vermeuel joins the Bertram Group. Welcome Michael!
[22 December 2015] new b-group publication The collaborative manuscript, led by Paul DeMott (CSU), Sea spray aerosol as a unique source of ice nucleating particles is published in PNAS.  Link to the article.  Read the press release at NSF.
[December 2015] Steve Schill wins an outstanding student paper award for his presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2016. Congratulations Steve! More details here.
[14 December 2015] Tim and Steve are at AGU in San Francisco.  Look for our posters and presentations here. Also, please join us in the Marine Aerosols and Trace Gases Session.
[6 November 2015] new b-group publication Olivia's manuscript On the role of organic coatings in regulating N2O5 reactive uptake to sea spray aerosol is accepted for publication in JPC-A.  Link to the article. 
[October 2015] EPA releases a nice article on our sensor work in Science Matters.

[September 2015] Dr. Matt Zoerb leaves the Bertram Group to start a faculty position at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Good luck Matt!

[September 2015] Sean Staudt joins the Bertram Group to work on heterogeneous and multiphase reactions as part of the CAICE team. Welcome Sean!

[3 September 2015] Dr. James Brady defends his Ph.D. at UCSD! James is the fourth Ph.D. from the Bertram Group! James will stay on in the Bertram Group as a Postdoctoral Fellow!

[August 2015] Dr. Avi Lavi joins the group from the Weizmann Institute of Science as the Dreyfus Environmental Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome Avi!

[8 July 2015] new b-group publication Olivia's manuscript On the role of organics in regulating ClNO2 production at the air-sea interface is accepted for publication in JPC-A.  Link to the article. 

[June 2015] Steve, Matt and Tim travel to NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center for the 2015 Student Airborne Research Program (SARP). Read the article here! Steve will stay on through the summer as a graduate student mentor. You can follow them live on the NASA airborne science tracker here.

[9 June 2015] new b-group publication Steve's manuscript The Impact of Aerosol Mixing State on the Hygroscopicity of Sea Spray Aerosol is accepted for publication in ACS Central Science.  Link to the article. Read Veronica Vaida's First Reaction commentary on Steve and Xiaofei's paper here. Read the Wisconsin news piece here. Watch the video here.

[20 May 2015] Dr. Olivia Ryder defends her Ph.D. at UCSD! Olivia is the third Ph.D. from the Bertram Group! Olivia will start as a post-doc with Kim Prather and CAICE in July 2015. Congrats Olivia! 

[18 May 2015] new b-group publication Xiaofei's manuscript Microbial Control of Sea Spray Aerosol Composition: A Tale of Two Blooms is accepted for publication in ACS Central Science.  Link to the article.

[18 May 2015] The members of CAICE descend on San Diego for our second year site visit.

[15 April 2015] Dr. Michelle Kim defends her Ph.D. at Scripps Institution of Oceanography! The second Ph.D. from the Bertram Group! Congrats Michelle! Michelle will start a Post-doc with Paul Wennberg at Caltech in June.

[14 April 2015] Tim travels to the Claremont Colleges to give an invited talk.

[25 March 2015] Olivia, Nicole, and Tim travel to Denver, CO for the Spring ACS meeting. 

[28 January 2015] UW Madison Letters and Science highlights our move to Madison. Read more here.

[22 January 2015] The Bertram Group officially arrives in Madison.

[7 January 2015] Michelle is at AMS in Pheonix.  Look for her talk here.

[29 December 2014] new b-group publication Michelle's manuscript Bacteria driven production of alkyl nitrates in seawater is accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters.  The publication is a joint effort by the Bertram, Azam, Pomeroy, and Burkart Labs. Link to the article.

[15 December 2014] The B-Group (Matt, Michelle, and Steve) and the Bertram SARP Group (Abby and Allie) are at AGU in San Francisco.  Look for our posters and presentations here.

[10 December 2014] new b-group publication Toshi's manuscript Volatility of Primary Organic Aerosol Emitted from Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles is accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology. Link to the article.

[3 December 2014] Dr. Timia Crisp is the first Ph.D. out of the Bertram Group!  Congratulations Timia! Timia will start a position at the Carnegie Institute in the new year!

[1 December 2014] The B-group is awarded a Dreyfus Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for study of trace gas reactions at atmospheric interfaces.  Interested candidates, look for a job advert soon!

[6 November 2014] new b-group publication Collins et al. publishes Direct aerosol chemical composition measurements to evaluate the physicochemical differences between controlled sea spray aerosol generation schemes in Atmos. Meas. Tech. Link to the article.

[28 August 2014] new b-group publication Crisp et al. publishes On the primary emission of formic acid from light duty gasoline vehicles and ocean-going vessels in Atmospheric Environment. Link to the article.

[27 October 2014] Tim, Olivia, Nicole, and Steve attend the CAICE annual meeting at UCSD.

[13 October 2014] Tim travels to Kyoto to recieve the 2014 Masao Horiba Award.  

[8 September 2014] new b-group publication Brady et al. publishes Real-Time Emission Factor Measurements of Isocyanic Acid from Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles in ES&T. Link to the article.

[11-15 August 2014] Tim and Olivia attend the ACS Meeting in San Francisco.

[4-8 August 2014] Tim, Matt, and Gordon visit Sergey Nizkorodov's Lab with the Cappa Group for a week of chamber measurements.

[1 July 2014] CAICE summer intensive experiments in the SIO Wave Channel commence.  Good luck Gordon and Nicole!

[15 June 2014] Tim, Matt, and Steve head off to Palmdale, CA and the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center for the start of SARP 2014! Watch the SARP 2014 video here! Listen to the Faculty Lectures for SARP here!

[10 June 2014] new b-group publication Crisp et al. publishes Observations of gas phase hydrochloric acid in the polluted marine boundary layer in JGR-Atmospheres. Link to the article.

[1-3 June 2014] Tim gives an invited talk at CSC 2014 in Vancouver.

[19 May 2014] Michelle and Matt depart WHOI on WACS II.  Bon Voyage!

[Spring 2014]  Tim gives seminars at Caltech, Harvard, Colorado, NOAA, Berkeley, Irvine, and UW Madison.

[3-4 March 2014] Tim gives an invited talk at Pittcon in Chicago. Read the C&E news highlight here.

[10 February 2014] new b-group publication Kim et al. publishes A controlling role for the air-sea interface in the chemical processing of reactive nitrogen in the coastal marine boundary layer in PNAS. Link to the article.

The LA Times, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, and the Osgood File report on our recent PNAS paper.

[5 January 2014] new b-group publication Ryder et al. publishes On the role of particle inorganic mixing state in the reactive uptake of N2O5 to ambient aerosol particles in ES&T. Link to the article.